Many of us have heard about the struggles of Sergey Brin and Larry Page at the early phase when after graduation from Stanford University, their developed
‘Health is Wealth’, we have heard this saying thousands of times. Every time we hear this, we feel an inner urge to start exercising, but very few of us
Ever felt the necessity of doing large calculations very quickly but accurately? Or organizing the data in a systemic way? Or merging different sets of
If you are an undergrad student and thinking of going abroad for higher studies then you have heard the name of “GRE” more than a hundred times. Right?
আমরা সবাই দৈনন্দিন জীবনে কম-বেশি তর্কে-বিতর্কে জড়িয়ে থাকি।বিভিন্ন আলাপ-আলোচনায় নিজের অবস্থানকে শক্ত করে তুলে ধরতে বিতর্কে দক্ষতা থাকা জরুরি।বিতার্কিক হওয়া
Juggling our immense workload through a pandemic is surely difficult. Time showed no mercy even being at home. Almost all our work has shifted to online if
We all know how important it is to be skillful in every aspect of life. Apart from knowledge and technical skills, people possess their personality driven
From the moment I started typing this piece, in each one second, a person has produced 1.7 megabytes data. In one day, that exceeds 2.5 quintillion bytes.
Interactive Cares is Country’s one of the most prominent virtual platforms for providing academic, career & skill development and cultural flourishment through events, campaigns, courses, master classes, and real-time communication.