Studying has become tricky when the world is going through a pandemic. Remote learning is the new normal and its popularity will only grow. So, to adapt we
Searching in google to know about a place, favorite tv show or any research data, has been a typical activity in our everyday life. There are whooping 1.74
The ongoing pandemic has shattered the structure of the job sector and associated skills. If you believe that conventional trends such as high academic
Juggling our immense workload through a pandemic is surely difficult. Time showed no mercy even being at home. Almost all our work has shifted to online if
From the moment I started typing this piece, in each one second, a person has produced 1.7 megabytes data. In one day, that exceeds 2.5 quintillion bytes.
Interactive Cares is Country’s one of the most prominent virtual platforms for providing academic, career & skill development and cultural flourishment through events, campaigns, courses, master classes, and real-time communication.