Frequently Asked Questions
Check out our frequently asked questions if you can find the answer
Q. How does the Interactive Cares Courses work?
Interactive Cares Courses is a responsive, easy platform for you to find courses by top tier experts. Experts can create a profile to publish their courses, and users can enroll based on their preference. Choose your preferred levels, categories, topics and start teaching or learning.
Q. Who is eligible for the courses?
Q. How to enroll/ unenroll from a course?
Q. How long are the courses?
Q.Are there any tests or exams included in the courses?
Q. How will I pay?
Q. Can I download the videos online or offline?
Q. Will I get certificates?
Q. Can I ask for a refund?
Q. Will students have access to the enrolled courses after the free access period?
Q. I am facing difficulties with my admin portal or can’t login. How can I get help?