Introduction to JavaScript – Interactive Cares

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HTML Live Class Week 01

HTML Live Class Week 02

HTML CSS Live Class Week 03

HTML CSS Live Class Week 04

HTML CSS Live Class Week 05

HTML CSS Bootstrap Live Class Week 06

HTML CSS Bootstrap Live Class Week 07

JavaScript Live Class Week 08

JavaScript Live Class Week 09

JavaScript Live Class Week 10

JavaScript Live Class Week 11

JavaScript Live Class Week 12

JavaScript Live Class Week 13

JavaScript Live Class Week 14

JavaScript Live Class Week 15

JavaScript Live Class Week 16

HTML, CSS and JavaScript Projects

ReactJS Live Class Week 01

ReactJS Live Class Week 02

ReactJS Live Class Week 03

ReactJS Live Class Week 04

ReactJS Live Class Week 05

ReactJS Live Class Week 06

ReactJS Live Class Week 07

ReactJS Live Class Week 08

ReactJS Live Class Week 09

ReactJS Live Class Week 10

ReactJS Live Class Week 11

ReactJS Projects

Python Live Class Week 01

Python Live Class Week 02

Python Live Class Week 03

Python Live Class Week 04

Python Live Class Week 05

Django Live Class Week 01

Django Live Class Week 02

Django Live Class Week 03

Django Live Class Week 04

Django Rest Framework Live Class Week 01

Django Rest Framework Live Class Week 02

Django Project List

SQL Live Class Week 01

SQL Live Class Week 02

Job Preparation Live Class

Step into the world of Web Development with HTML

Styling your HTML: A CSS Adventure

Bootstrap: The framework to unite HTML & CSS

JavaScript Essentials: Beginning Your Programming Adventure

First code – Printing an output00:10:46
Where and how to add JavaScript in HTML code00:07:40
Taking an Input from User00:03:00
Keywords, Data types & variables00:06:51
Assigning values in Variables00:18:42
Working with different data types and variables00:18:54
A practice problem on variables00:08:18
Fun Project 1: Opening a gift box00:16:08
Comments & Statements00:17:07
Operators & Types of Operators00:06:24
Arithmetic operators00:18:32
Assignment operators00:06:11
Comparison operators00:16:29
Logical operators00:14:20
Bitwise operators – AND, OR, XOR & NOT00:17:11
Bitwise operators – SHIFT LEFT & SHIFT RIGHT00:07:19
String to Number (integer and float) Conversion00:18:10
Number to String conversion00:14:29
Working with math library functions00:18:15
Working with string library functions00:27:03
Taking a number input from the user00:11:09
Fun project 2: Implementing a calculator (without UI)00:07:15
Array Methods – 100:07:52
Array Methods – 200:11:36
Array Sort00:07:58
Introduction to control structures00:05:06
What is conditional?00:01:51
If – else if – else00:07:13
Nested If00:15:02
More on if – else if – else00:06:53
Switch – case – default00:12:56
Fun project 3: Implementing a grading system. (Using conditionals)00:08:38
Fun project 4: Is it a leap year?00:05:50
Introduction to loops00:01:19
While loop00:05:51
do-while loop00:05:43
For loop00:06:10
String and Array Iteration00:08:47
for-in loop00:04:41
for-of loop00:04:37
More on Loops00:08:24
Nested loop and 2D array00:10:25
Continue and break00:13:24
Fun project 5: Multiplication tables00:05:57
What is a function?00:02:15
Defining & calling a function00:07:00
Function parameters and arguments00:05:49
Function return values00:08:19
Setting default values to parameters00:03:48
Function recursion00:14:26
Fun project 6: Calculating GCD00:05:20
JS HTML DOM00:02:59
DOM HTML00:11:56
DOM CSS00:05:09
Event Handling00:05:40
Implementing a calculator – using HTML, CSS, and JS00:12:42
Uploading it as a GitHub page00:08:51

Updated – JavaScript Pre-Recorded Video

Pre-Recorded Video: ReactJS

Fundamentals of Python Web Development

Mastering Web Development with Django: A Framework for Python

SQL Essentials: A Comprehensive Journey from Intro to Advanced Concepts

Django REST Framework: In-Depth API Development and Advanced Customization

Project Module 01: Full Stack Complete Project Back-End

Project Module 02: Full Stack Complete Project Front-End


Interview HandBook

Introduction to JavaScript