How to talk on the phone in English part 01 – Interactive Cares

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Category And Start Learning.

Module 01: How to Introduce Yourself

Module 02: How to start a conversation in English

Module 03: Tips for an amazing conversation

Module 04: Daily Routine for Speaking in English

Module 05: Alternatives of ‘How are you’?

Module 06: Smart answers to ‘How are you’?

Module 07: Alternatives of ‘Thank you’

Module 08: Alternatives of ‘You’re welcome’

Module 09: 100 Common English questions and Answers

Module 10: Body Vocabulary

Module 11: Telling the time in English

Module 12: How to practice English speaking

Module 13: Alternatives of “Can you repeat?”

Module 14: Tenses in English

Module 15: Telling a Story in English

Module 16: Describing your Hobby in English

Module 17: How to talk on the phone in English

Module 18: How to give a doctors’ appointment in English

Module 19: How to order food at a restaurant in English

Module 20: How to cancel your order in English

Module 21: How to talk to your teacher in English

Module 22: How to talk in English at the airport

Module 23: Vocabulary for Household items

Module 24: Vocabulary for fruits and vegetables

Module 25: How to express your anger in English

Module 26: How to express boredom

Module 27: How to express sadness

Module 28: How to express happiness

Module 29: How to express fear

Module 30: How to express hunger

Module 31: Alternatives of ‘good’ and ‘bad’

Module 32: Alternatives of “Sorry”

Module 33: Talking about family in English

Module 34: Beginner English book recommendations

Module 35: How to describe a person in English

Module 36: How to talk at a meeting in English

Module 37: How to think in English

Module 38: How to give directions in English

Module 39: How to complain in English

Module 40: How to apologize in English

Module 41: Common Phrasal verbs in conversation

Module 42: Useful expressions to tell a story in English

Module 43: How to talk to a native speaker in English

Module 44: How to praise someone in English

Module 45: How to give a speech in front of a school/ college/ university

Module 46: How to give a formal speech in a seminar

Module 47: Gesture and Posture during a public speech

Module 48: How to gain attention during a public speech

Module 49: Alternatives of “I think…”

Module 50: Alternatives of “Go away!”

Module 51: Popular English Proverbs

Module 52: Riddles in English to improve Comprehension

Module 53: Useful proverbs to offer advice

Module 54: Slang words for casual speaking

Module 55: Pronunciation of Plural Nouns

Module 56: Academic Words used in school/ college/ university

Module 57: Vocabulary for transportation and driving in English

Module 58: Differences between British and American English

Module 59: Using Linking words in English conversation

Module 60: Commonly mispronounced words

Module 61: Describing the weather in English

Module 62: How to give a formal presentation (university/ job purposes)

Module 63: Viva question: Tell us something about yourself

Module 64: Viva question: Why should we hire you/ Why do you want to join this university?

Module 65: Viva question: Where do you see yourself in the next 5 years?

Module 66: Viva question: What are your biggest strengths and weaknesses?

Module 67: Phrases to move from basic to advanced level in English

Module 68: Aspirated Sounds to improve pronunciation

Module 69: Awkward words in English to understand native speakers

Module 70: Tips for Visa interview

Module 71: Professional English phrases for office

Module 72: Saying yes and no in English

Module 73: Silent Letters in English A-Z

Module 74: Happy Idioms

Module 75: Money Idioms

Module 76: Love Idioms

Module 77: Food Idioms

Module 78: Animal Idioms

Module 79: Noise Idioms

Module 80: Color Idioms

Module 81: How to conduct a debate

Module 82: What to say when you have nothing to say- filler words

Module 83: 50 Advanced phrases for English conversation

Module 84: Advanced words to sound like an expert in English

Module 85: How to speak English fast- learn tongue twisters

Module 86: 50 advanced phrases in Business English

Module 87: 100 common Business English questions and answers

Module 88: Heteronyms to build vocabulary

Module 89: Euphemisms that native English speakers use

Module 90: Oxymorons to understand English fast

Module 91: Elision for pronunciation

Module 92: Linking sounds for pronunciation

Module 93: Video resume in English

Module 94: Stress and Meaning for pronunciation

Module 95: T&D Tapping for pronounciation

Module 96: Elevator Pitch

Module 97: IELTS Speaking Exam

Module 98: TOEFL Speaking Exam

Module 99: Figures of Speech

How to talk on the phone in English part 01